The "Medical Gas System Theory and Operation" book editing meeting and the "Medical E

2021-04-24 15:14 Taiyanglong Medical

The "Medical Gas System Theory and Operation" (Third Edition) book editing and review meeting and the "Medical Equipment Belt" group standard editing and review meeting sponsored by the Medical Gas Equipment and Engineering Branch of the China Medical Equipment Association were organized in our company on April 24, 2021 held. "Medical Gas System Theory and Operation" (Third Edition) is a reference book for training for practitioners in the national medical gas industry. Sun Dragon, as the deputy editor-in-chief, participated in the editing and review of the "Medical Gas System Theory and Operation" (Third Edition) book . At the same time, Sundragon, as a participating unit of the "Medical Equipment Belt", participated in the standard writing work.

Address:Bode Road, Guankou Industrial Zone, Liuyang Hunan
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